Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving in Montclair

Thursday, November 22, 2007 -- Here's our menu for Thanksgiving 2007! I am full of thanks for all these people who prepare and help eat: Turkey, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, green beans, creamed onions, garden salad with blue cheese dressing, pomegranate sorbet, pumpkin and pecan pies, Irish bread pudding with Jameson’s caramel whiskey sauce, cranberry sour cream tart, brownies, blondies, brownie cupcakes with peanut butter icing, and white wine.

Eighteen people came to the Dunn4Feast, including: Charles, Tom, Susan, Michael, Ellen and Carolyn Dunn; Jai, Asha, and Deva Goodman; me; Sharon, Raymond, and John Catatore; and Susans cousin, sister, and friends: Charlie, Amy, Myron, and friends.

After dinner it rained while some walked, and we watched some of Lions game and some of Cowboys game. Myron got out his horn and played a little for us, and then we had dessert.

What great family and hosts to spend Thanksgiving with.

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